Saturday, March 24, 2012

Matt to Matt Trade

The DoorMatts and Graging Bulls continued blowing the trade winds. The DoorMatts acquired the Chicago Cubs Next Big Thing in Anthony Rizzo (.05 13+). In return they sent the April, May, June version of Ryan Howard - AKA John Mayberry (.01 13+) back to the Bulls.

With the recent trades and Major League activity, a new roster excel spreadsheet has been posted to the Front Office on the right.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Beatnik - Revenge Trade

The Eukennott Beatniks have not lost the feel of running a baseball team despite taking a two year hiatus. In their second deal this spring, they trade set-up specialist Eric O'Flaherty (.01 12+) to the Revenge in exchange for Brandon Phillips (.29 12+).