Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Voice From The Past

Longtime CFCLers - heck, all CFCLers - should check out the following internet radio show:

Chicago Baseball Week in Review

That's right, those are the dulcet tones of our own Eric Lamb wafting over the airwaves (or whatever the internet version of "airwaves" are). You can listen to the show at the link above, and even subscribe to podcasts in iTunes.

Internet radio is a mixed bag and you're never sure what you're going to get, but Eric and his partner Brian do a great job of breaking down the latest happenings on the North and South sides of Chicago, and certainly don't hold back their disgust with the way things are going.

Check it out!

PS. Speaking of blasts from the past, in the car on my way to work Monday morning I heard something about Heath Slocumb beating out Tiger Woods in some tourament or another. That can't be the same Heathcliff Slocumb that pitched so superbly for the Cubs, Cards, Red Sox and others in the 90s can it? Talk about a successful career change!

(Ok, I'm assuming it's not the same guy. But given how closely I follow golf, I'm actually half serious. It's not him, right?)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Last Minute Shopping - I Got Me a Junior!

Eric Young Jr.
DoorMatts .12 (Hernandez, A.)
Revenge .06 (Glaus)
Red Hots .05 (Giles)
Bulls .05 (Lohse)

Jason Hammel
Dem Rebels .05 (Cora)

Corky Miller
Kenndoza .05 (Thurston)

Jonathon Sanchez
Ruffins .05 (Ross)
Kenndoza .05 (Petit)

Sammy Gervacio
DoorMatts .06 (Fontenot)

JJ Putz
Bulls .05 (Young)

Drew Stubbs
Bulls .05 (Lohse)

David Freese
Bulls .05 (Vandenhurk)

Ike Davis
Bulls .05 (Blum)

Charlie Haeger
Ruffins .05 (Burton)

Garrett Mock
Ruffins .05 (Sanchez, A.)