Saturday, September 12, 2015

September Reminders

Most all of the CFCL teams have taken advantage of September Roster Expansion.  Here's a couple of reminders for September.

1)  Connected to SRE, if you acquire a player via waiver or FAAB in September, OnRoto may prompt you that you can fill an "Open" slot.  Make sure the math is correct.  You are allowed 40 players on your team.  Usually (and how OnRoto looks at it) it's split 23 (active) and 17 (reserved).  BUT for September your split may look like 24 (active) and 16 (reserved).  OnRoto see 16 and thinks "Hmm, they are allowed 17" and offers you to fill a reserve "open" slot.  That's OnRoto's mistake.  If you have 40 players already and don't waive someone you pick up, the move is invalid and will be rejected. 

2)  If you pick someone up in September their contract is "S" and they are automatically waived from your team at the end of the season.

3)  Your Executive Committee has been hard at work justifying your votes and has a proposal to present to you pertaining to teams that use up their FAAB during the season.  That will be presented for your consideration and vote at the conclusion of the 2015 season.

4)  We need to fill an owner spot and in a perfect world it will be done before Winter Waivers.  If you know of someone you think would be a good candidate to join us, please let me know.

5)  Start looking at your calendar in October/November for potential dates for the CFCL Banquet.  Once we have the Award Ballot sent out and returned we'll try to lock in a date to get together.