Monday, July 14, 2008

Salary Cap Increase

Tomorrow is All Star Game Tuesday, which means 1) we're in the middle of a period during which no meaningful baseball will be played, and 2) the CFCL in-season salary cap increases to $3.50. It will stay at that level until September 1, when it nudges up to 3.60 for the final month or so of the season.

Some clarification on what the salary increase means ... or more specifically, what it doesn't mean.

It does not mean that you can make roster moves on Tuesday in order to take advantage of the increased salary room - Tuesday is not a transaction day.

Nor does it mean that you were able to make roster moves on Monday (our usual transaction day) that put you over the $3.00 cap with the anticipation that your roster would become legal when the cap increases on Tuesday.

Although the cap technically increases on Tuesday, the earliest you can make roster moves to take advantage of it is on Friday (aside from a trade, which can be effective any day).

For clarification, please refer to the Constitution: "The fact that the salary cap may increase in the middle of a transaction period does not imply that mid-week roster moves are permitted in order to take advantage of the higher cap."


Rich Bentel said...

Thanks for pointing this out. I've already tried to make four or five "illegal" moves on Monday. When the page popped up saying I was over the salary limit, I figured it would increase as of Tuesday and I could finish my transactions.

You know what would be helpful? Someone should read the Constitution start to finish and then, I don't know, use a blog or something to point out unique rules and circumstances.

Steve O said...

Geez, David. My email to you about my illegal moves was meant to be in confidence! Why did go all public with it?

Any way, if someone would be kind enough to take Valverde off my hands for a cheaper Closer, say someone like Torres for instance, I wouldn’t be looking for ways to wiggle my best lineup (there's an oxymoron) under the cap until Friday!

Steve O said...

Wow, now that I see my comment posting, I notice Rich's picture. Man some people get everything! the Brains and the good looks. I just got the good looks!

David Mahlan said...

Steve, didn't mean this to seem as if my post was in response to your "violations" (which I notice you've cleared up). I'd meant to include a post regarding the salary increase a week or so in advance. You see how that worked out... My bad.

And regarding Rich's picture, I'm sure you recognize it from his byline on the Monroe Doctrine, which should be required weekly reading for everyone...