Sunday, July 26, 2009

Correction from the Front Office

In a previous post I mentioned that anyone acquired via the FAAB that had a salary of .25 or higher came with some restrictions. Those being: 1) must be kept going into next year's draft or else the team cutting the player loses half the salary (rounded up) off their $2.60 budget and, 2) the player could not be traded.

Seems I was half right. Point #1 is valid, but Point #2 apparently was a fabrication in my mind. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say the player cannot be traded. But if there is a trade, the acquiring team has to abide by the restrictions in Point #1.

So the good news is you still have six days left to make a proposal to MooreBetter and get Matt Holliday.

Man, David sure made this Commissioner thing look easy for 25 years. Sorry for the confusion.

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