Thursday, September 23, 2010

Banquet and End of the Year Updates

Fellow Owners, first of all thank you for your responses for banquet availability and award nominees. From those of you that have responded (Kenn and Professor, whatup? To good to provide us with your banquet availability?) it looks like Sundays have the least conflict (aside from Grage needing to follow his seventeen fantasy football teams). That being said, let's narrow it down a bit. Please e-mail me or click on the comment section below to register your vote.

1) October 10th
2) October 24th

October 3rd may be too fast a turn around to get the ballots out and collected. I have a late soccer game to attend on the 17th (which doesn't actually mean we couldn't have it then, I just would be late or lacking in attendance) and the 31st is Halloween so those of us with kids will be busy raking in tons of goodies.

Let's assume something in the late afternoon/early evening since Monday is a workday for most of us. We'll plan on something in the 4-5pm range at the latest tradition in CFCL Banquet, Home Run Inn on 75th in Downers Grove.

More later.

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