Tuesday, September 14, 2010

One More Reminder/Plea

Gents (. . . ok, I'll do it - and Kenn)

I would like to publicly thank the Copperfields for their nominations for the various award categories. I have also had a pledge from the Ruffins that his submissions will be forthcoming once the season has ended (not wanting to anger the Baseball Gods while in a pennant race).

My goal is to have the Award Ballot out to everyone within a week of the end of the season while everyone's memory of the season is still fresh. Between now and then I will begin to put together the ballot, but greatly welcome any suggetions from you.

I have heard from a few owners of their intentions of trying to attend the Banquet. At this point it would seem that the best way to cull down our options would be for everyone that wants to attend to let me know what works best (i.e. Friday nights, Saturday afternoons, etc.) and from there pick a date based on majority.

I completely neglected to ask each of you to let me know about your intentions for next year. If you know you're definitely in or out for next year, please let me know. If you're still considering, I respect that. I would say we need a hard answer by the end of November so that hopefully we can have the new owners (if necessary) in place in time for Winter Waivers (first week of January).

I think that's it - if I've forgotton something I'll add a new post.

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