Wednesday, January 18, 2012


We are finally locked in on date, time and location for Draft Day 2012!!

Our draft will take place on Sunday, April 1st, 2012 at 8am in the plush conference room of Rich's company. I will be sending you an e-mail with address and detailed directions to the location.

Here are some details. We will have access to a fridge (no telling on how much space will be available so bringing a mini cooler might not be a bad idea) and a microwave oven.

The conference room has a table and very comfortable chairs that seat ten. If no one brought a lap top, there would be enough space to sit comfortably. If everyone (or some) brings a laptop, and papers and books then the space gets a bit tight so think ahead and plan to put some stuff on the ground around you.

There are six outlets. Four at one end of the room, two at the other. We'll power strips and extension cords.

There may or may not be internet access, but we won't use it. If there is a port, it's the building management's, not my company's so we won't have claim to using it.

If you were planning on bringing an assistant GM or co-owner or someone for moral support understand there is room for ten people to co-exist in relative comfort. Anyone else attending WILL NOT be able to sit at the table because there's simply no room. The extra people will have to hover around the perimeter of the table, looking over your shoulder.

While the above paragraph is important, here's the MOST IMPORTANT thing to plan for. Our 8am start is when the Ruffin Privilege will be invoked. So that means we have to take the league photo, vote on the Executive Committee, hand out and review roster and free agents sheets, sign the 2012 Copperfield Trophy and talk about any new business BEFORE 8am. That's a lot of stuff to accomplish. We cannot have people arriving at 7:55am. I would say all the league business should be handled starting at 7:30am at the latest.

It's January 18th. That means you have two and a half months to coordinate GPS or Mapquest to get you to our draft by 7:30am. We have three owners travelling back out of town Sunday evening and one or more could be on tight schedules, so if we are going to draft at a comfortable pace, starting on time is paramount.

7:30am at the latest. Matt, Mike B and I will be there most likely by 7am so anytime after that is fine.

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