Friday, July 27, 2012

Trade and IFAB Day

We are approaching a deadline and a date that we need to be aware of.  First the deadline.

The CFCL Trade Deadline is Noon (CST) on Wednesday, August 1st.  We've had a few trades already this month and more are expected.  We are all familiar with the process, but with a deadline as part of the mix, things could get dicey.  Let's review the process.

In order for a trade to be official both teams involved in the trade must report the trade to the Commission ALONG WITH ALL ASSOCIATED MOVES.  I know you all know this, but understand that if both teams don't report the deal with their associated moves by Noon, Wednesday, August 1st, then the trade is invalid and will not be allowed - period.

If the Commissioner is involved in the trade then they and the other team involved will report the trade with associated moves to the Executive Committee.

I strongly encourage everyone to visit the Constitution to answer any questions you may have about the CFCL Trade Deadline.

Now on to the date to be aware of.  The Interleague Free Agent Bid Day is the day after the National League Trade Deadline.  So, on Wednesday, August 1st each owner of the CFCL is allowed to place bids - in the same fashion that we do on each Sunday.  The deadline is 3pm (CST) and you are allowed to bid on ANYONE in the Free Agent Pool, not only players recently arriving from the American League.  Same rules apply - you are only allowed to bid up to the amount you have remaining in your FAAB, if you bid (and acquire) a player for .25 or more, you are required to keep that player going into next year's draft.

I strongly encourage everyone to visit the Constitution to answer any questions you may have about IFAB Day.

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