Tuesday, November 5, 2013

New Addition to the CFCL

At the conclusion of the 2013, Stranger Danger resigned and that left the CFCL with the job of finding a new owner.  Well, mission accomplished.  After going through a rigorous interview process, Matt Barriball and Pat Chesnut were accepted as the owners of the 45 team in CFCL history.

Showing incredible dedication, the two (who will soon be profiled in an exclusive interview with the Monroe Doctrine) immediately came up with a name for their franchise and are currently hard at work on their owner profile.

The name you ask?  They've harkened back to a time we all cherish on the little league diamond and incorporated their names and then put a twist of coolness to it.  We proudly introduce:

Hey Patta Matta Swing

Conventionally they will be known as The Swing.

Welcome to the CFCL Pat and Matt!

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