Friday, March 1, 2019

Prepping for Draft Day

We have entered March, which for most people means St. Patrick's Day and (hopefully) spring weather.  For those with more cultured palates we understand we've entered the Month Of Draft Day.

Here are some things to be aware of:

1)  The Golden Sombreros have once again agreed to compile the Master Draft List.  Much thanks to Marc.

2)  The Draft Room has been secured.  Like last year we will draft at 387 Shuman Blvd (corner of Shuman and Mill) in Naperville.  Same room 1W.  Take the elevator to the basement and turn left to the end of the hallway.  I can't promise internet connection (no wifi from the building) being in the basement, but there will be outlets at each desk for laptops.

3)  Reminder, Draft Day is Saturday, March 23rd.  We'll start at 10am.

4)  Once cuts have been submitted you are welcome to participate in the Ruffin Privilege Game.  Submit the name and winning bid of the player you think the Ruffins will nominate as the first player of the draft.

5)  I will send out Cut Sheets the week of March 10th.

6)  Roster Cuts are due by 3pm March 17th and I will release cut information later that night.  Once you have submitted your cuts no trades are allowed - no exceptions.

7)  At the draft I will provide Draft Sheets, Rotation Pick Sheets, Twizzlers and Pretzels.  You bring whatever material you need to enjoy the draft (food, drink, laptop, etc).  I believe there are some vending machines, but we don't have access to microwaves or fridges so plan accordingly.

8)  Post Draft.  Nothing official, but if owners decide they would like to grab a bite to eat after the draft and do a post draft analysis, that would be great.

Questions?  Please feel free to text or e-mail me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If it's not too late, I really would like wireless, but at the very least the ability to pull a cellular data connection is really really really important to me. The degree to which we are closeted into a basement bunker, this is not possible. Last year was a disaster for me because there was no AT&T connectivity.

It is 2019. There are draft managers that are only SaaS. Even if I were to write my own, it would be SaaS. The alternative, to me anyway, is to print a forest of paper, and I'm not going to do that.