Friday, March 14, 2008

Constitutional Updates

At long last, the Constitution has been updated with the changes that were voted in earlier this year. Both the online version and the PDF version available from in the Download Center were updated.

A couple notes:

  • The Constitution still reflects the letter-based contract statuses rather than the new approach we've been discussing in the Forum. It seems like there are still some things to settle before the proposed changes become official, so I wanted to wait before making updates that might not reflect the final approach.
  • I'm the only one who has really reviewed/proofed the changes to the Constitution. Since I'm also the one who drafted them, there's the chance that I may have left something out, misrepresented a rule, left a loophole open, etc. I mention this just to stress that while the Constitution represents the "official" rules, we should all keep in mind that I'm only human and I don't always think of everything. We should all be aware of what the new rules are and the reasons/intent behind them, so if something in the Constitution seems at odds with what we intended, the written word will have to take a back seat to common sense until we can revise the Constitution as needed. I know that's not the way it works in court, but that's the way we operate.

That second bullet point (which is basically about the human frailty of the League Secretary) is an important one, and we've added a blurb to the Governance section of the Constitution to spell out how we'll handle things when I slip up (like when I included the Stones' Pedro Martinez in the Winter Waiver list and awarded him to the Red Hots before anyone noticed the error).

Also, the sections of the Constitution that were most-heavily revised or contain changes you'll want to make sure you understand are:

  • ARTICLE XXI. Transactions
  • ARTICLE XIV. Movement Between Active Roster and Reserve List
  • ARTICLE XV. Signing Free Agents

If, in browsing the Constitution, you notice anything that seems inaccurate or inconsistent with your understanding of the rules, please let me know.

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