That book was the first edition of Rotisserie League Baseball, and your truly was one of those fans intrigued enough by the tag line "The Greatest Game for Baseball Fans Since Baseball" to pick the book up up in Kroch's and Brentano's. A quick browse through it was enough to hook me, and I bought the book, little realizing what I was letting myself in for.
Of course, one can't experience Rotisserie baseball alone, so I lent the book to my best friend, Rich Bentel, who became equally intrigued by the concept. We quickly decided we had to start a league, and scraped together four other baseball fans who agreed to join us in the endeavor (yes, we freely admit that we were such nerds that four were all we could find -- Dave Holian has never forgiven Rich for not inviting him in for the inaugural season).
Now, nearly a quarter of a century later Rich and I are preparing for our 25th season of CFCL baseball. I'm sure Rich will agree that neither one of us imagined back in 1984 that we'd still be playing this game in our 40s, with wives and kids in tow.
We didn't want this occasion to pass without some kind of commemoration, so we asked the CFCL's resident graphics expert, Nick Hansen to cook up a logo to help up celebrate our 25th season, and I think you'll agree that Nick did a bang-up job:

Visit the CFCL Souvenir Stand at http://www.cafepress.com/cfcl and browse through the selection of apparel, mugs, and assorted other goodies. If you see something you kind of like but would prefer a slight variation (for example, a shirt with a small logo over the heart rather than the large logo centered), let me know and I might be able to set that up for you.
Order soon to get your goodies in time for Draft Day!
NOTE: We certainly don't want to trivialize our 25th season by commercializing it. We did want to make things things available to those who might want to partake, but there's no pressure to participate. Tempted as I was to add a mark-up to the items and make a little cash on the side, the prices listed are the base price of having the items made -- neither I nor the CFCL will be making any cash on this deal.
But I wanted to get rich off this endeavor, David!
Regardless, I sent a thong Matt's way care of the firehouse. I imagine he'd want all his coworkers to join him in celebrating his undergarment of preference...
Thanks for the freebie Nick. Just one thing, does the logo go in the front or the back? If I'm going to wear this in lieu of my uniform pants, I don't want to look like an idiot. Mahalo
Rose goes in the front, big guy...
10 points to Nick for the "Bull Durham" reference, and another 30 for delivering a custom-backgrounded version of the logo to go in the upper right corner of the blog.
Thanks Nick, you're Aces!
I would like to join David in thanking all of you for making 25 years possible. Just like a starting pitcher (David) can have an awesome outing and dominate the opponent, he can't win the game without the defense and run support of his teammates (you fellow owners).
The one discrepancy I have with his recollection of how the CFCL started is this:
I fully believed that the CFCL would be going strong 25 years later, with us in our 40's. It was the wife and kids in tow that I wasn't certain about.
Had you a dictionary back in the
'80s and bothered to look up "geek", you would have prominantly seen my portrait looking back at you.
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