Friday, March 7, 2008

Ruffins - Bulls Trade

Things continue the heat up on the trading front, as the Graging Bulls send recetnly-acquired Rich Hill(10-8) to the Ruffins for Mark Reynolds (9-9).

So this is the first trade report using the newly-proposed contract status system. Is it clear to everyone? Hill's salary is .10 and his contract is up for renewal in 2008, while Reynolds is at .09 and will be up for renewal in 2009. In the old parlance, Hill is .10C and Reynolds is .09D.

1 comment:

Rich Bentel said...

David -

Thanks for the clarification on the (10-8) and (9-9). I thought (seriously) that for some reason you were including their pitching records for 2007. Of course if Mark Reynolds isn't a pitcher (my scouting staff hasn't updated me with this information yet) then my assumption isn't valid.

This is going to take some getting used to.